Yadah Yada Womens Bible Study

9:30am-11am in the Covenant Hope Library

"Yadah" A hebrew word which means "to praise" and "to confess"

"Yada" A Hebrew word which means "to know, notice, and learn

All Women who are 18 years of age or older are invited to come Wednesday mornings to a time of fellowship and Bible Study.  This group meets on Wednesdays in the Library at the Covenant Hope Church, and their time usually focuses on a guided Bible study or a series from RIGHTNOW Media.

It doesn't matter if you come for a few (or even just one) meeting, we are excited to have you attend and enjoy this wonderful time of fellowship and faith development


Bible Study


This group has been developed to provide quality time for women who work during the week (or find themselves otherwise busy) and appreciate a weekend timeframe for fellowship and learning.  

If you are a busy mom with kids, a working professional that finds the week too full, or you would just like to get together with other ladies on a Sunday evening, this group is for you!

Our group meets bi-monthly in the homes of church members, and they choose the Bible study for each night as a group.

Please email [email protected] for more information.