Battle Creek

MOPS encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church.*


FALL 2021

Covenant Hope Church offers MOPS programming on the first and third Fridays of every month from 9:30am to 11:30am for all moms of young children from the community.

You do not have to be a member of the church or regularly attend Sunday services to enjoy the benefit of MOPS (but we, of course, invite you to participate in those if you so choose).

Check out our Facebook page where frequent news and updates will be posted.

MOPS Battle Creek

MOPS at Covenant Hope

What: Fellowship for Moms and their kids

When: 1st and 3rd Fridays between September and May from 9:30-11:30am

Where: At Covenant Hope Church in Battle Creek, Michigan

Why: Moms meet separately from their children to provide opportunities for relaxation, learning, discussions and creative activities.

Come visit us! Your first meeting is free, and, if you decide to register, there is a $31.95 MOPS International registration fee that goes directly to MOPS International. In addition to this fee, our local chapter collects dues in September to cover our local expenses of childcare, refreshment supplies, speaker fees, and crafts supplies. Our local dues are determined at the beginning of each semester.


What does MOPS offer?

Below you will find out what a MOPS day at Covenant Hope Church looks like. If you have any questions, please email the church at [email protected].

  • Arriving

    With gathering time beginning at 9:30am, we encourage moms to bring their young children in to the nursery at 9:15am. This will allow you visit with your friends and table leader just before the day's event gets started in the Fellowship Room.

    Children are divided into appropriate age groupings and are provided their own unique MOPS Kids programming that encourages them to think, learn, play, and work together. MOPS Kids volunteers and staff are loving people who have a heart for small children.

  • Opening

    The days events will begin at 9:30am with an opening group session. Often a special message or talk will be given regarding the theme for the day. Coffee and refreshments are often provided during this time.

  • Group Session

    After the opening, moms will break off into their groups which are hosted by a 'Table Mom.' This individual is someone who loves to be a support and a listening ear. Often they will encourage discussion and offer bits of insight regarding faith, life, and motherhood.

    On occasion, there will also be special guest speakers who we will invite to bring a special message or lead us in an activity.

    MOPS will tend to draw to a close around 11:20am. 

The Values of Mops

What are MOPS core Ministry Values?*

Under God, MOPS embraces the following values statements, which we hold to be essential to our ministry, and which are the foundation upon which our ministry is based:

  • Dignity: The dignity of each individual life and mother of preschoolers, no matter where she has been, what she has done or how she is choosing to live her life today, embracing both believers and nonbelievers and all ethnic and socioeconomic groups.
  • Women: The equipping of women to become all that God has designed them to be.
  • Mothering: The value of mothering for its contribution to individuals, children, society at large, future generations and eternity.
  • Relationships: Relationships including the male/female marital relationship, the parent/child relationship, and the ultimate fulfillment of all relationship needs through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Marriage, Family and the Single Life: God has instituted marriage — the covenant relationship between one man and one woman — intended to be a life-long union of husband and wife. The single life, either by call or circumstance, is honored by God. Unmarried people are an important part of the Christian community.
  • Human Sexuality: Sexuality is inherent in God’s creation of human being in his image as male and female. Husbands and wives are called to exclusive sexual fidelity to one another and single persons are called to abstinence. God intends and enables all people to live within these boundaries with the help of the Holy Spirit and in the fellowship of the Church.
  • Relationship Evangelism: Relationship evangelism as expressed through Christ-like relationships in an environment for growth and spiritual development as faith shared through actions and words.
  • Leadership Development: The equipping of women, volunteer leaders, volunteer staff, staff and board to gain skill and confidence in their leadership ability, to understand their influence in their family, community and world, and to guide others through relationship evangelism.
  • Leadership Qualifications: Personal relationship with Jesus Christ and growing towards maturity in relationship with Jesus Christ, evidenced in godly character, behavior and attitudes, as expressed in Scripture.
