We create…to worship Jesus!

Our congregation is always seeking creative ways to glorify God. From multi-generational groups meeting to create special projects to drama during worship to our pastor preaching using his gifts in the fine arts, the congregation searches out how to use their gifts to enable others to draw closer to God.


Our worship teams blend the traditional with more contemporary styles. This blend creates a great combination each week as we join together to praise and worship our risen Savior.

technical-artsTechnical Arts

Through the use of sound and technology our tech team keeps our worship service be creative and God glorifying. Each week song and scripture is broadcast overhead so every person worshiping can worship in their own style.

fine-artsFine Arts

Our creative art group is a multi-generational group that meets every other Tuesday evening. Members are encouraged through a brief Bible study & prayer time. Fellowship flows as the group works individually and together to glorify God as expressed through their art.