Please navigate beyond the Events Calendar for description of Weekly Events.
Sunday Morning
Please join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We are currently looking for a new pastor to lead us. In the meantime, we are enjoying the variety of guest pastors sharing God’s Word and messages with us.
We have a nursery for infants and toddlers. This is a beautiful room with lots of hands-on toys and activities for children.
During the service, young children are invited out to walk-out-worship. This is geared for preschoolers through second grade; however, all ages are welcome. Teachers share a Bible story and usually a simple craft. There is even a bit of time for some free play.
Following the service, everyone is invited to join us in our social room for fellowship and refreshments. This is a great opportunity for everyone to get to know each other a bit better. It is a time to share experiences, joys and challenges so that we can lift each other up with praise, encouragement and prayer. We hope you will choose to join us there.
Creative Arts: The creative arts group meets at 6:30 PM on every other Tuesday night. Stop in when you are able, grab a bite to eat and begin working on an art project. See the Events Calendar to confirm Tuesday meeting dates for Creative Arts.
Ladies Bible Study: The Ladies Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings during the school year, 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. and they are studying Hosea - God’s Persistent Love by Dale & Sandy Larsen. The study will require about 1.5 hours of preparation during the week. Typically the group goes out for lunch after the Bible study, enabling the group to grow and learn through the sharing of common experiences and struggles that women go through. We welcome all women, encouraging them to bring their friends.